Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Maths at Entry 1 / Entry 2 / Entry 3
About this course
Course Outline
Our Maths Functional Skills qualifications are designed to give you the skills to operate confidently, effectively and independently in education, work and everyday life.
Course Content
This course has 3 Levels:
- Functional Skills qualification in Maths at Level 1
- Functional Skills qualification in Maths at Level 2
- Functional Skills qualification in Maths at Level 3
The aims of these qualifications are to develop you understanding and skills in:
- Representing – selecting the mathematics and information to model a situation.
- Analysing – processing and using mathematics.
- Interpreting – interpreting and communication the results of the analysis
In each unit, you’ll have a test which is available on demand. They are internally marked and externally verified. To pass you have to meet the assessment criteria of each test. Feedback is given back.
Resources and Facilities
Teacher resources and networked computers
You could progress from this award to:
- Functional Skills qualification in Mathematics at Level 1
- Level 1 BTEC qualifications in a relevant vocational sector
- Other related qualifications
Entry Requirements
No prior knowledge, understanding, skills or qualifications are required to take this qualification.